Believers in Christ and his teachings yesterday declared its ash day as believers proceed to numerous churches for significant anointing. The Ash Wednesday is said to be a day of repentance and forgiveness of sins for all believers or Christians. The anointing process is carried out by the priest of the church. The priest of the church dips his longest finger of his right hand into an oil mixture which he places on the forehead of the anointee. A Catholic church member who identified herself as Miss Ayanwale Christiana spoke to Flashy news correspondent further explained that “it is a season of lenting for Christians and a period of fasting. Today reminds us of our being created from ashes and returning to ashes. We are to take advantage of this day or period to seek God’s forgiveness and mercy” she said. It was an expression of joy and happiness in all churches as people willingly receive the anointing. ...